takin' a mornin' ride on my 'hoss!'

"takin' a mornin' ride on my 'hoss!' in North Carolina!"

Here is what I am reading today:

“…The future of social media in journalism will see the death of “social media.” That is, all media as we know it today will become social, and feature a social component to one extent or another. After all, much of the web experience, particularly in the way we consume content, is becoming social and personalized.”

“The game was bundled with the Nintendo Entertainment System in the U.S., and it’s tough to say whether it was successful because of the NES or vice versa, but either way, Super Mario Bros. has sold more than 40 million copies over the past 25 years. In fact, it was the best-selling video game of all time until just recently. That title now belongs to Wii Sports, the game bundled with the Nintendo Wii.”

“Every week, Mashable puts together a calendar of upcoming social media and web events, parties and conferences”

“It’s always been an uphill battle to bring social media to larger companies and organizations. In the case of Dilbert’s company, that uphill battle is more like a mountain. Our favorite white-collared comic strip has taken on Twitter and tackled the lost iPhone 4 prototype, but Scott Adams has made the subject of today’s comic the strict and sometimes-arcane restrictions big corporations have on social media use in the workplace.”