Tennessee's P.R. Day was a 'social media' success!

Here are a few things I am reading today:

It has been revealed that Facebook has acquired the Fb.com domain. This news comes just days before its special event, where it is set to reveal an overhauled version of Messages that works like e-mail. In September, the American Farm Bureau sold the Fb.com domain to an undisclosed buyer. Looking up the domain’s whois reveals that MarkMonitor, a brand protection and domain management company, is the Fb.com’s registrar. However, Domain Name Wire has revealed that the domain’s whois has been updated to reflect that Facebook() is the domain’s administrator.

“PR pros looking to turn their media relationships into high-profile story placements, which they can leverage into redistribution throughout the social media universe should attend this new, 90-minute webinar titled: ” Using Social Media to Pitch the Press: An Insider’s Guide to Generating Story Placements and Online Buzz.”  PR pros will learn how to turn their social media presence into a story-generating machine. This webinar will include up-to-the-minute case studies of social media pitching successes and offer the inside scoop on how to take PR pros social media PR plan to the next level — so they can start generating story placements as soon as the webinar is over.”

“Social media allows your customer service agents to respond to problems on a broad level rather than person to person. This is extremely useful when updating the status of an on going problem. If you were still running a conventional call center it would be inundated with calls just to find out if the problem was fixed yet or not. Social media can go beyond typical interactions such as phone calls and visits. It allows users to in effect fix their own problems in some cases. “

“After getting off the phone one late September morning with another Department of Veterans Affairs representative who couldn’t explain why his GI Bill benefits hadn’t been processed, Iraq war veteran Aubrey Arcangel tweeted his frustration:

@DeptVetAffairs I spoke w/ 4 reps and provided my certID and trans# for my #GIBill cert. 2 weeks and still doesn’t show on my file!”

“Unlike with other open source content management systems, it’s hard to pin down one founder of Joomla(). The CMS that now runs about 2.4% of the top 1 million websites was created by a group of developers that split off from a similarly open source project called Mambo. The developers felt that Mambo’s founding company, Miro(), was attempting to regain proprietary control of the code (the company denied this), and wanted to continue their work elsewhere. They changed the name of their software to Joomla in 2005 and founded the Open Source Matters organization to manage it.”

“Ben Straley is the Co-Founder and CEO of Meteor Solutions, whose leading technology and services platform increases campaign engagement, reach and revenue through social sharing.As a marketer, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the 1% rule — that just 1% of your brand’s social media followers are responsible for the majority of sharing. They share your social media campaigns with their larger social network, passing on links to your contests, promotions, deals, and other marketing campaigns. These key influencers are more than just fans — they’re brand ambassador”s

(KAREN’S NOTE: look for our publication in PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW on this subject and SMI CAPITAL!)