On Facebook, there are so many applications, activities, and things to do! From sending people virtual gifts like coffee or Foodie for Yoodies (Dad’s very popular application based on pictures of his amazing dishes!) to sharing information about each other. I have gotten tagged on several posts that focus on sharing 25 random items about yourself. So.. I thought that I would participate as well! Here is what you have to do on Facebook:
**Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to ‘applications’ then to ‘notes’ on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right-hand corner of the page), then click Publish.)
1. Where I was born: I was born in Humble, Texas on September 30, 1982 at 1 p.m. I was actually early and supposed to be born a few weeks later, but the doctors thought that it was best for me to come out when I did.
2. My name: My parents always liked the name Karen, but they were also thinking about naming me either Erika or Heidi– but my dad wanted all of my sisters and I to have the same letter in our names– so we are all Ks! My dad’s late uncle used to call us K-cubed (he was a scientist)
3. My middle name: My middle name is June– and I am not named after the month of June– it was my grandmother’s name. My grandmother June past away last spring (rest in peace).
4. Brief moment as BB player: Instead of being a track and field athlete, I thought that I would actually be going to be a basketball player, until one of my coaches in Junior High told me that I was too nice to play basketball! Oh well, I guess it all worked out for the best!
5. Three Universities, three different track uniforms. Yes, that is right– I competed in track at SMU, Florida, and USC. I first went to Southern Methodist University in 2001-2002 and competed for one season in indoor track. I then went to Florida for three years (competed for two) and finished my eligibility at USC in 2006.

National Scholastic Indoors 2001
6. 1/4 of an inch of the national HS shot record: In high school, my best in the shot put was 53’7.5″ and the national record was 53’7.75″ at the time. I know… it was pretty close! It’s all good!
7. Favorite Actor: Arnold Schwarzenegger– hands down! No question! This is an ongoing thing– he is the best! My parents tell me that I did something funny when I was about one or so. They were watching Pumping Iron and they thought that I was in bed, and I came out and walked to the TV in the living room and the TV a big kiss when Arnold came across the screen! My parents were like– omg! What can I say?
8. I am a complete and total foodie— just ask my family and friends! I absolutely love food– from meat to desserts to fabulous pastas– I love it all! I would have to say that my favorite meal would have to be my parent’s homecooked meals– Dad’s chicken tetrazinni and Mom’s cinnamon and blueberry rolls. YUM!!!
9. Right or Left handed?: I consider myself someone that uses their right hand for everything– but I use my left hand to play tennis, golf, and surf. I can write with both hands as well– I noticed this when I was taking my US History class at SMU and my right hand would get tired from taking tons of notes, so I would just switch hands!
10. I have done a lot of international traveling: I have been to Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Raratonga, Fiji, Canada, Mexico, England, South Africa, and China. This summer I will be in Greece to present at a research conference– so exciting!
11. Nicknames: Hmm– well, I’ve had several nicknames over the years. Growing up in elementary school, I had a teacher that called me “Karen the Sweet” and some of my friends called me “Kabin Feebee” (don’t know how that developed exactly– oh well!) And my friend Angela said that since she knows several Karens, she and her mom refer me as “KareFre”– I like that!
12. Snow White: Okay, I have to explain this one to you all– for years (and I mean YEARS), my mom always wanted me to dress up as Snow White for Halloweeen (don’t know why exactly…) I got the guilt trip and basically every line in the book– and I finally dressed up as SW for Halloween this past year.
13. TV Shows: I am not much of a TV person, but I am an absolute fan of science fiction shows. I grew up watching Star Trek with my Dad and I really like Stargate– classic show! My favorite reality shows are those that appear on the Food Channel (I’m a foodie of course!) and Project Runway (fashion of course!)
14. Strong lifter: I guess you can say that when I was in track and field competing in the shot put, I was pretty strong. I went to a couple of powerlifting meets in high school and set four national powerlifting records for 16 year olds. My best lifts in a power lifting meet were 220 lbs on the bench press, 420 dead lift, and 463 lbs squat. However, I got up to doing 405 on the bench and I actually did 740 lbs in the squat. It was always fun going to the weight room and seeing people’s reactions! Yeah… I am not sure if I can do that now!
15. I have lived in several states around the US: California, Florida, Texas, and now Tennessee. I am pretty open to living anywhere! I have really enjoyed being out here in Tennessee because of the changing of seasons, nice people, and great university!
Go Vols!
16. I got into PR by accident: I started off as a Pre-Med major at SMU and then switched to be a Psychology major with a business minor. My athletic advisor at Florida had seen my work on my web site, online diaries, and newsletters, and suggested that my major should be in Public Relations. I thought– okay, I can see how this goes. I went to my first PR class at Florida and knew that this was the major and profession for me!
17. Managing my reputation online at an early age: I have had my personal web site now for 15 years, and it has definitely evolved with the new technologies. It actually started off as a Val Kilmer fan site! But I used my web site to post my track and field results, pictures, grades, and contact information for college coaches so they could follow my progress. As a result– with my hard work and dedication to track– I received a full scholarship to compete in track and had seven years of college paid for.
18. My favorite drink of choice would have to be Diet Coke— breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight– there is always time for one! I don’t drink alcohol at all– and so when I go out I have my usual drink.
My friends think that is kinda funny!
19. I used to weigh over 350 lbs. Yep, I was a pretty big girl– strong as a Mac truck– but big! Running or any type of conditioning was not in my vocabulary at that point in my life! However, my dad got diabetes in 1999, and my family and I changed our eating habits to have a healthier lifestyle. It has been ten years, and I have nearly lost 150 lbs from my absolute heaveist!
20. Got to be outside! I love doing outdoor activities– I love hiking, horse back riding, fishing, running, and playing sports to name a few!
22. Love Sports! I am a HUGE college football fan– got to cheer on my Trojans, Gators, and Vols! I also follow track and field (of course!), rugby (Go Springboeks!), basketball (Vols of course!!!), and anyone playing UCLA (sorry Mom and Dad!)
23. Movies: I like a range of different types of movies– some of the classics and some more current. I am not a horror movies fan– but I like action, comedy, drama, and romantic-comedies!
24. A family resemblance: Me, my dad, and my grandfather Freberg all share something in common– we have a beauty mark mole in the exact same place on our face! Totally weird but amazing at the same time!
25. Keeping an upbeat attitude with a smile: I always try to lead each day with a smile– life is too short to be unhappy! I try to look at the positive things in life and think– wow, it is great to be alive today! I have a wonderful family, great friends, good health, and I am working hard to achieve my professional and personal goals in life!
Work hard, win easy– that is what Dad would tell me when he was coaching me in track– do a little bit each day and it will all pay off!
I have taken that philosophy from track to other aspects of my life.
Hope you all are having a lovely day!
Best Wishes,