Besides working on various conference papers and research projects for my classes – one of the hobbies that I have really enjoyed has been cooking. However, since I have been on Jenny Craig for almost three years (started on the program in November 2006), I have been focused on losing weight. But I occasionally make special desserts or meals for my friends and family – and this is what I did yesterday. I made some homemade baklava for a picnic that I am going to tomorrow with some friends.
The first time that I made baklava was with Dad over the Christmas break. It was absolutely amazing – and complete and total energy food. I have to say – I wish that I knew about this recipe back when I was a thrower – because I am sure that I would have thrown like 70 ft! Why do I say that? Well, when I made my baklava – I had to make sure that it was all okay – and I went for a running workout today – and I was able to run 7 miles. That is right – SEVEN miles! I have never done that before in my life – driving yes, biking yes, running – no way! So – if you want some really good energy food – whether you are competing or studying for comp exams – this is the dessert to have!!!
Cooking is very enjoyable – and it is the ultimate gift in my opinion! What can I say – I come from a family of foodies! When you make something for other people to eat – that is pretty cool.
It should be a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to it.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,