it's always fun to learn new things

I always think it is important to learn new things. Most of my friends know that I enjoy games, especially video games. Yes, even as a Ph.D. student, I do make sure that I have time for fun! πŸ™‚

Recently, I was introduced to the online game called “World of WarCraft.” Although there is the usual slash and hack that one would expect in a game that attracts men, what I have come to realize is that this is actually a game of SIMS with ‘action!’ But I have to say, it is a pretty complex game– I spent a lot of time in the graveyard at first– but it is really a lot of fun and very addicting! πŸ™‚ I actually first heard of WarCraft while watching an episode of Stargate, I now understand and enjoy it a lot more.

What is also really interesting about Warcraft is the fact that it is a game where people can interact with each other and create social networks. In PR, we have always talked about the importance of looking at new media and see how we can implement our strategies. OtherΒ  sites like Second LifeΒ  do allow people to interact with each other online– but what is great about Warcraft is that you get to play a really fun game AND socialize at the same time! πŸ™‚ It doesn’t get better than this! πŸ™‚

Well, I better back to work! I have three conference presentations this year and a lot of stuff to do! Besides, Stargate is on tonight! πŸ™‚

I hope that all is going well and have a great day!

Best Wishes,

Karen πŸ™‚


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