the food in Beijing is wonderful!

The picture above comes from a video I gave my dad on the wonderful food of Beijing, too bad there weren’t any recipes in it!

So, is China winning the PR battle for the hearts and minds of the world on the 2008 Olympics? So far, I would have to say they are doing everything right. As they say, ‘it’s not over yet’, but I am impressed with the apparent ‘transparency’ in an environment that has the burden to prove to the western world it is ‘open.’

The biggest conflicts seem to arise from the non-Chinese media that seem to be reacting immaturely. Have they so soon forgotten what happened in Munich or to a smaller extent Atlanta? Although the media might find such a disaster a ‘bigger story’, it is a story that China seems to be painstakingly making every effort to avoid.

It’s a long road to the final closing ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games, but it looks great so far!

Good Luck tomorrow to all my friends competing in the United States Olympic Trials and the Olympic trials in their homelands, too! I wish I could be there with you.
Karen 🙂

Special wishes to friend & fellow thrower Jim Camarena in her comeback effort after her April surgery!


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