Hello everyone,

Today was a day that I broke through a barrier– and it was a big one.  As you know, I have been on Jenny Craig since last November, and I am now weighing at much as I did when I was in 6th grade.  I’ve lost 65 lbs! 😀  Very exciting!  It’s amazing– I’m at a weight that I thought I would never be at and I feel great!  Also, it gives me an opportunity to buy new clothes!  I’m wearing 12s, but I can get into a 10– wow!  If you would have told me this last year, I would have been like– what? ME?! 😀  It’s really amazing and I feel so great!  Thanks Jenny! 😀
I have a few more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight, but– I might decide to lose some more!  I am going to see how it goes and make a decision when I get there! 🙂

Have a great day!

Best Wishes,



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