Today is Father’s Day!  I am very fortunate to have a wonderful Dad.  Dad has always been there for me – there have been so many fond memories growing up with Dad.  From spending hours upon hours jumping into the pool at the Elks growing up to believing that Dad was Santa Claus (he was for the Christmas celebration at the Elks Club) to spending time with Dad in the kitchen learning all of the trades that come into play in making a fabulous dish. Each of these memories are treasures for me. 🙂

Celebrating with Dad and Rob Bryn at the 'March for the Troops" in support for "Desert Shield" in 1991

Dad has been my coach, my workout buddy, my fellow foodie making splendid and fabulous meals, my friend, and a wonderful father.  He is my inspiration in so many ways.  His commitment and dedication to family and moral values is concrete and sound. Dad’s honesty and kindness to others is like no one else I have ever seen in my lifetime.  I admire Dad’s creativity in art and business – I love hearing about Dad’s stories about his experiences in Marketing and business.  I also admire Dad’s knowledge about so many different things – from cooking to science to Egyptian history to business.  Dad’s insights and guidance really helped me in my journey in public relations.  I always have a great time with Dad as well – his humor and wit are funny and entertaining – and there are times where he makes you stop in your tracks and ask yourself, wow – did he just say that??!!! 🙂

Dad also helped me grow as not only a student, but an athlete as well.  Dad first introduced me to the shot put in 6th grade, and became my coach ever since.  We would spend hours upon hours working out, 12 months out of the year.  Dad was my workout buddy as well – we would lift together, throw together, and even run stairs together. 🙂  He was my cheerleader at track meets – from the little junior high meets held at Laguna Middle School to be there with me as my coach for the 2004 Olympic Trials.  Dad was always one  of my biggest supporters – his encouragement and advice helped me grow not only as a track and field athlete, but to the person I am today.  For ten years, I was able to call Dad “Coach Dad,” and Dad really made my time in track and field a special one.

On this day, I would like to wish all of the father’s a wonderful Father’s Day – especially for my Dad.  Dad – thank you for being such a wonderful, special, and caring Dad – you are the best! 🙂 Love you tons Dad and Happy Father’s Day! 🙂

Love & Best Wishes,



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