Today is my older sister Kristin’s birthday!  We are exactly three years and a day apart in age, and each year has been very precious.  I am very fortunate to have such an amazing family with Mom, Dad, Kristin, and Karla – they have truly supported me throughout my athletic adventures and academic endeavors.

There are so many memories I have with Kristin growing up from making cookies to traveling around the world on our annual IBWM trips together.  We are now working on research projects together – fabulous!  I am super proud of Kristin with all of her army and academic achievements ! 🙂

Dad wrote a very sweet birthday post on his blog and Karla created a cute picture to celebrate Kristin’s birthday.  I will be up to see Kristin next week during my fall break, so we can both celebrate our birthdays together.  Here is to my sister – who is the bravest, fabulous, kind, courageous, and amazing older sister anyone could ask for.  Happy birthday, sis!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,



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