I seem to be writing more about athletes that are “PR Nightmares” than those that are a good example to their fans and other athletes. What is going on here? My personal opinion is that there is one particular athlete that seems to be at the top of the “PR Nightmare” list, which is Barry Bonds. It seems that whenever he is in the news– it is either about the BALCO scandal or what he has done with the Giants or media.

Bonds is back in the news by telling the grand jury in the BALCO case a simple, but direct statement. He said the following:
“Let them investigate. Let them, they’ve been doing it this long. It doesn’t weigh on me at all — at all. It’s just you guys talking. It’s just media conversation.”
Okay, if I was the PR person for the SF Giants, I would have some explaining to do not only to the senior management, but to the people that pay a lot of money to see Bonds and the other athletes on the team. That’s right– the fans. What is this saying to them? In my opinion, Bonds needs to realize that with this statement, he is coming off negatively to not only to fans and the general public– but to those that control information– the media. One KEY point that we learn in Public Relations is that if you work with the media– it’s all good.
For someone that had the owner of the Giants has to send a letter to the fans explaining WHY he got an extension on his contract, it makes you think. Bonds is not only impacting his own personal brand, but the SF Giants, his teammates, baseball players, and athletes in general in a negative way.