Thanks Jenny Craig!

There are some companies and individuals out there that have been in the press for negative things, and I have posted on them as being PR Nightmares. However, there are individuals and companies that do have great public relations practices and manage their brand well. One of these companies is Jenny Craig. Recently, they are promoting a contest to find out what is your “ideal size” and it has had an amazing turnout. Both Dad and I have our entries posted online, and Mom just recently sent hers in.

The thing about Jenny Craig that is so unique and great is the fact that their top priority is to their clients, and they manage their relationship with them very effectively and professionally. Clients are a key stakeholder group for Jenny Craig, and serve as brand ambassadors to other audiences. Jenny Craig consultants take the time to meet the needs and expectations of the clients through meetings with professional consultants, and the overall environment at the Jenny Craig center is friendly, energized, and positive.

This morning, I went to the San Luis Obispo Center with Mom and Dad, and it was so great to walk in and see my former consultant Monica– she saw where I was at the very beginning of the Jenny Craig process, and was amazed with the way that I looked. 🙂 Another great thing about the SLO Center that they started to do is have a feature recognizing their top client for the month. I was last month, and Dad is one for August. The picture above is of me with my entry on the Jenny Craig Ideal Challenge Web site. What a great way to reward clients by praising their success! 🙂 Good PR Jenny Craig! 🙂

I have been on the Jenny Craig program for almost two years, and I recently made my first goal weight. Being on the program has been a wonderful and life-changing experience for me and my family. I am able to do activities that I thought I would have never been able to do, like climb the Great Wall in China— and still have energy left! 🙂 It’s been really amazing, and I highly recommend that if you want to lose weight, look fabulous, and feel amazing– join Jenny Craig!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
