I think it is more important than ever to be able to have strong relationships with the profession and industry.
I have always been a big believer and advocate to bridging the gap between academia and industry. I guess that’s where I have been the most comfortable in my career is somewhat in the middle. This applies to the research I do, but also for what I do as a professor.
Most of the classes I teach focus on applied practices of social media, crisis communications, and public relations. Over the years, I have taught a graduate level public relations course at the University of Louisville, often referred to as #FrebergPR. In this course, we usually work with a real client and help them with a project in PR.
Previous class clients for #FrebergPR include:
- University of Louisville (2017)
- Breeders’ Cup (2018)
- Facebook (2019)
So, as the summer is coming in and I am looking to what needs to be done for the Fall 2020 semester, it was time to announce the class client for #FrebergPR this year.
I am super excited, honored, and happy to announce our class client for #FrebergPR is Chipotle.

Okay, Karen – Spill the Beans!
You may be asking – Karen, how did this happen?!! Well, let me tell you!
To give you all a back story, I have been working on my upcoming PR book (coming in August), I was of course busy researching and working on adding examples of brands, organizations, and teams who were changing the field. Literally, every time I looked, I would be adding an example of what Chipotle did for campaign.
Here are just a few examples of why Chipotle is an awesome brand. They were the first to go on TikTok and succeed as a brand. They built a strong community and presence on their social media channels. The team was engaging on social media with others in the industry. The brand literally was ALWAYS on the leading edge of doing something creative and innovative in the community. Plus, they have been one brand that has received a lot of good press and acknowledgements from industry leaders for their work during COVID19.
I had Adam Ornelas (social media strategy and influencer marketing for Chipotle) speak to my classes this past term and he was a HIT! One of the best people in our industry.
This week, I have had the chance to sit down with the team and brainstorm how we can create a win-win situation for my students and for the brand. The focus for our client project is so spot on for students and for Chipotle – which I am beyond excited about! Will of course share more of these details during the fall term.
What else will be different in #FrebergPR
I will also be using this time over the summer to update my course to make it as applicable and relevant to where the PR field is going as possible. I will be using my PR book of course – but also will be integrating some new certifications and programs/assignments – particularly a new cool industry partnership that will really be great to tie in to the work we are doing with Chipotle.
This program is going to be one of three that will be announced for the fall term. I am excited about this as well – more on this soon as well!
Why is this important
You might be saying – Karen, why are you going to the extra effort in doing this for your students? Will you be online? Wouldn’t it be easier to just do a research paper or case study for this class?
The answer is two fold. First, I am doing this for the future investment and commitment for my students. More than ever, jobs and internships are hard to come by, and I have found being in the industry and teaching as long as I have – there are some opportunities that are “exclusive” only to certain programs and departments based on agreements and partnerships. This serves as a gatekeeper to talent that may be overlooked.
My goal – as I have shared with my students over the years – is to make them so good they have many options after graduation.
As a result, many have had jobs and internships right out of the gate.
The second is I want to help brands and teams I feel are doing amazing work. I have been not only impressed with the work Chipotle has done, but the team is committed in a strong way towards the future, and appreciates what we do in the classroom. I was able to share w/ them what we did in previous classes so they could see the experience we have in doing these high level projects.
I think this is going to be such an amazing and truly rewarding experience. Thank you Chipotle for this great opportunity. On behalf of my students at the University of Louisville, we can’t wait to work with you.
I am sure we will also be doing lots of research over the summer by eating Chipotle!
Have a great day!