It’s great— to be— a —-Florida Gator!!! I remember we sang that when we won our conference championship in track and field– and it’s the same feeling with the Florida basketball team. Florida beat Ohio State yesterday and became back to back champions. I wasn’t able to watch it (I had class), and everyone was like– Karen, why aren’t you watching the game??!! I had a feeling that Florida was going to win! Congrats to the Florida Basketball team!
I am proud of my Public Relations degree from Florida, and I was happy with my athletic accomplishments as well. I am going to be extremely proud of my USC degree– I am just amazed on how fast it has gone by! USC is a great school, and I had such a wonderful experience to be part of the USC Track and Field team.
One a Gator, always a Gator– BUT….. Trojans are FOREVER!!