Hi everyone,

The day has come– school has started!!!  This past summer was the first time that I actually was able to take a vacation!  I was off from the end of April to now!  I had to finish my track season– so I wasn’t completely off! 😀 I was just off from school for the first time in three years– because each summer at Florida, I took summer school to graduate early. 

Well– USC was really crowded with all the faculty, staff, and students trying to get to their classes on time.  It was weird also to see all the freshmen– they look so YOUNG!  Class of 2010– yikes!!  I feel really old right now!  Of course, you saw the freshmen with their parents.  You can tell who they because they have the following items:  at least two items that have USC on it, a campus map, a camera, and a packet of orientation stuff.  Ahh– the memories!  I remember the first day of college for me– I was like– whoa!  This is REALLY different from High school!

I got to see some of my friends and teammates today as well– everyone wished that their summer was longer, but they are excited about the upcoming track season.  It’s going to be weird being a person that watches the meet instead of competing in it– I think that it’ll be a lot of fun! 😀

Tomorrow is actually my first day of class, so today I still got a chance to relax.  I get to see what it’s going to be like as a second-year graduate student.  I will get to see the first years– so that will be fun.

I hope that all is going well and have a great day!

Best Wishes,

Karen 😀


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