Hi everyone,
Wow– what a first week of school! 😀 I felt that I was constantly busy with school, new classes, working out– you name it! But I feel that this year is going to be really neat– my second year of my master’s– I remember it was yesterday that I was just a “deer in the headlights” freshman at SMU. I was so scared! Now, I look at the freshman and think, they are so YOUNG! 😀 Time goes by fast when you are having fun! 😀
I am taking two classes this semester: Mass Communication Law and Crisis Management & Communication. I really like these classes! Both of my professors are really good– and I am looking forward to learning more about both subjects. I have had a lot of people ask me how much work do we have to do in graduate school. Well, I have basically two big projects for these classes. For Mass Comm Law, I have a 10 page paper due in about a month, then my final project is a 20-25 page paper and a 30 minute presentation. Not too bad. 🙂 Crisis management is basically the same, but both papers are 10 pages. But if it all works out– I am going to be done with school right before Thanksgiving (grad classes don’t usually have their finals during finals week– but earlier). SWEET!!!! 😀
I am also doing something else this year– I am helping out with the USC track and field team. Yep, I am a graduate assistant. I am really excited about helping out this year– it’s going to be fun to still see my teammates and friends compete while doing some great work for the team as well. 🙂
I better go and start my reading for my classes– hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,
Karen 😀