Four Flights.

Five States.

15 hours of flying or hanging out in the airport.

Welcome to traveling in the Holiday season! 🙂

Well, as you can tell with that little introduction, I am back now in Tennessee and preparing to start my second semester in my Ph.D. program.  Woo hoo! 🙂  Very exciting, but I am still amazed on all of the changes and places I had to go to just get to Tennessee!  I have had interesting trips, but I have never had to take four different flights or go to five states.

Okay, I started off in lovely California yesterday afternoon, and then flew to Phoenix, Arizona.  Then I had to go to Nevada (Viva Las Vegas!), spend a couple of hours in the airport (you really can’t get board in that place with all of those slot machines!)  Broke yes, but not bored! 🙂 My next flight was to take the red-eye to Cincinnati, Ohio.  I had the biggest surprise when I got to Ohio– I was walking past some of their shops, and I saw a HUGE display of Amarula being advertised!!! I was like, hey, I am in Ohio and they are now getting Amarula– how cool is that??!! 🙂

Anyway, I got to Knoxville around noon today, and headed back to my place.  I am still amazed that I have to start school in a couple of days! My break has gone by really fast! 🙂  But it was a lot of fun!  I got to spend time with my family (Mom, Dad, and Karla) and cook wonderful meals (which is why I am going to be totally and completely strict on Jenny from now on! :)), and I got to go and see Kristin in Hawaii and spend New Year’s Eve watching fireworks from Aloha Tower. 🙂  Very neato! 🙂

Well, I better go and start getting things together– I hope you all are having a great day! 🙂

Best Wishes,

Karen 🙂 


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