Hello everyone,
It seems like my workouts are actually working– amazingly enough. This is my third day on my new diet plan and I am already seeing the results. My jean shorts that I bought just before USA Nationals are almost falling off– so I am going to wait a while to go shopping again!
My lifting workouts and my ab workouts are going great– it’s just the running!! I am still not sure why there are many athletes and others that actually LIKE doing this!! :S But I hate to say this… it’s working for me– I don’t like doing it, but I feel great after I am done! What has really been a lot of fun for me is that my dad has also been working out with me!
Dad wants to work out too and it has been such a blast!
We turn up the radio and work out together– just like old times in high school.
My mom and I went to see “The Devil wears Prada” today– very cute movie. Meryl Streep is just really great! Next week I am going to go with my family to see the new “Pirates of the Carribean” movie– my mom got SO excited to hear that Keith Richards may be in the third movie (she is a HUGE Rolling Stones fan). I keep telling her that there are OTHER bands besides the Rolling Stones.
More to come tomorrow– now I got to have dinner (a must for me). Have a great day!
Best Wishes,