There were certain things that were kinda foreign to me when I was a thrower both at Florida and USC. One was protein portions for my meals (what– no 72 oz steak? Bummer! :)) and the other was running.

My throwing friends and I would joke and say that we would consider long distance running to be about a lap, which was true! When I was throwing, I would do a warm-up lap and that was it for me! Sure, we would do sprints, running stairs (ahh… stadium stairs at the Swamp- brings back memories!) and other activities. But it was only when I retired from track and started on Jenny Craig that I really began running. And I have to say, it has been fun (shocking!!!) 🙂 I might not enjoy the running process, but after I am done– I feel great!! This is what people call “runner’s high.”

Anyway, running is a great way to lose the weight, but it has other benefits as well. According to a University of Iowa study, the endorphins and opioids (morphine-like substances) are released during exercise and causes the “runner’s high” feeling, and the article also states that this can help a person prevent from getting a heart attack. I thought that this was an good article to look at and see how exercise such as running not only helps you today, but can also protect you in the future.

I think that it is very important to not only have a good exercise routine, but you also have to eat healthy as well. If a person exercises a bunch but eats poorly, it wouldn’t be as affective if they worked out and had a balanced diet. 🙂 So I guess this means I will have to be one with the running still! 🙂

I hope you all are having a great day! 🙂

Best Wishes,



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