I got the exciting news as a signed into my LinkedIn account yesterday I got access to LinkedIn Live!

You may be asking yourself – what is LinkedIn Live anyway?
Well, LinkedIn announced back in February they would be opening up their platform to include a feature that allows individuals to go live within their platform. This seems to be of course the natural trend for the platform as others, like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, have integrated this feature for awhile now. However, there are some differences LinkedIn did here compared to the other platforms, such as:
Beta access. Unlike the other platforms where you had immediate access for when it was available for everyone, LinkedIn only opened it up to beta for a few people. You actually have to go through an application process to be considered. I was able to see a few friends and colleagues in the social media space get early beta access like Chris Strub, Goldie Chan, and Cathy Hackl.
Utilizing a third party partner for live steaming. All of the other platforms allow you to go live natively in the platform itself, but LinkedIn did something different here as well. The only way you can go live with LinkedIn is with a third party partner. They give a list of these partners in their application page, so you can see which company and tool you want to go with.
Branding is at the forefront. LinkedIn to me has always been a growing platform for branding and community building possibilities, and with the emphasis on working with a third party partner, you are able to integrate more in the branding areas.
So, you can see there are some significant differences to LinkedIn Live compared to the other platforms that offer these features. Yet, you may be again asking a lot of questions about how to apply, what needs to be in your application process, and extra things to consider. Here are some things to consider:
In your application, look at what going live on LinkedIn can do for you as a brand. Like the verification process on social media, you do want to think about what you can offer that would be of value for LinkedIn and the community you are trying to reach. The thing that I emphasized in my application is how as a professor, I could use this feature in a variety of different ways such as in my classes, conferences and presentations, events (ex. Cannes Lions Educator Summit I am helping out as a co-chair), and interviews. All of these ways help show the unique stories and content that could potentially be showcased.
It’s about the story and content, not the technology. All of the professionals who have gotten beta here with LinkedIn Live are not livestreamers only, but they offer unique stories and content that is perfect for livestreaming. We have to focus on the content and stories that can be showcased rather than just the tool/feature that is being used. This is why I have never really branded myself to just one platform or specialization within the social media space because of the limitations it can cause for your personal brand.
Understanding why you are going live. Goldie wrote a great post on these livestreaming best practices here, and this point really resonated with me. It’s one thing to go live, but it’s another to have a strong purpose and strategy behind it. Do I see myself going live every day? No. Do I see myself going live when I have a game plan and purpose in mind? Absolutely.
Offer something unique to the table. I did this in my application because looking around in the LinkedIn Live beta space, I realized there were no beta users who were professors who had access. For me, this was a big thing I emphasized in my application. This is the thing to keep in mind – considering what makes you “you” and stand out is also important when not just applying to be part of beta features, but in personal branding as well. This may take some time to consider and think about, but it will be helpful to help distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd.
So, what is next? I have decided to go with Switcher Studio (they are amazing AND are located in Louisville!) to be my third party platform I’ll be using. Super impressed with their features and after Chris Strub’s endorsement, I am sold!
However, I’d love to hear from you all on what you’d like me to cover for my first session. Let me know what you think and I’ll definitely make sure to address this in my first session.
In the meantime, if we are not connected on LinkedIn, please send me an invite! Hope all is well and have a great day!
Best Wishes,