Okay, the latest news that has come out from the latest drug scandal is that the DA will release the names of every athlete that has bought drugs, particularly HGH (human growth hormone). In the news, there have been many well-known athletes that have been linked to these “clinics” in Florida, including Jose Canseco and Gary Matthews, Jr. Both are established players in baseball– but there is a difference. Canseco has admitted to using steroids with his book “Juiced,” but Matthews recently has denied of ever using HGH.
What are the PR implications of both of these situations? Well, at least Canseco has admitted that he has used steroids– and it is a well known fact. Matthews, on the other hand, in my opinion is in denial. The most damaging athletes for sports are those that do not take responsibility for their actions and are not honest about it. For example– look at the Justin Gatlin case. Gatlin was one of USATF’s key spokespeople for their “Be Clean” Campaign, and tested positive for testosterone. As a result of this crisis, Gatlin is struggling to regain his reputation and image to the public and others. Athletes that are misrepresenting themselves to their fans and others are hurting the sport as well as the reputation of other athletes.
The problem that Matthews and other athletes like them is that they don’t realize that their actions today are not only damaging right now, but will have more negative implications in the future. Their image and reputation among their fans and others in the athletic industry are forever changed from this.
So– my point is VERY simple for these athletes: Take responsibility for your actions, be honest, and really think about how this is going to impact your reputation and image in the future.
How do YOU want to be remembered as– that’s the real question. Think about it.