Steroids and athletics– it never seems to go away! Yes, it is true– the subject has come up again. The Associated press reported today that there was a steroid bust in Orlando, Florida— which athletes and celebrities are involved. P. David Soares, the District Attorney for Albany County, stated the following for this media release:
“I understand that the involvement of athletes and celebrities makes this a sexy story, but I assure you we are not, at this point, we are not concerned with the celebrity factor. Our focus here is to shut down distribution channels.”
You can see why the Soares stated this. First, this is currently an ongoing investigation to find out not only who these athletes and celebrities are, but also others that may be involved. For any key spokesperson or Public relations professional– there are many ways to address the media in a crisis. We are always taught to never, ever say “no comment.” Soares did state in this particular release that he can’t comment on the investigation because that might jeopardize the outcome of it. The important thing is– he did say something.
It’s amazing to see how news travels fast– thanks to the Internet and bloggers. It’s a shame that another case of athletes and steroids are showcased in the news.
Sports fans and others need to have the complete story on what is going on– sooner or later. What will make or break this situation is when and how they get this information out, and what their key messages are. We’ll have to see what happens.
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