There is an interesting article that appeared in the Chicago Sports Review discussing the rise of sports public relations. I feel that I will always have a job in sports PR because there is always a crisis! Just look at the issues that are coming out today– Michael Vick (do I need to say more?), Barry Bonds, the issue of of steroids in baseball & track and field, etc. The list goes on and on!
Sports PR Nightmares didn’t just appear overnight– what is happening now is that we are living in a world where athletics is part of everyday life, and fans want to know the athletes both on the field and off the field. Plus, it is very easy to get information today with the Internet, social networking web sites, and blogs. Athletes need to realize that whatever they say or do will most likely not only be on the front page, but also on thousands of web sites.
One of my favorite movie lines comes from Jim Carrey’s movie “Liar, Liar”: Stop breaking the law!! If you know what you are doing is wrong– don’t do it! The most valuable thing that an athlete has is their reputation, and once they tarnish it– it is gone and will never be the same.
These are just some of my thoughts. I hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,
1 Comment
University Update - Michael Vick - The Evolution of Sports PR & “PR Nightmares” · August 27, 2007 at 5:54 pm
[…] White House The Evolution of Sports PR & “PR Nightmares” » This Summary is from an article posted at Karen’s Public Relations Blog on Monday, August 27, 2007 There is an interesting article that appeared in the Chicago Sports Review discussing the rise of sports public relations. I feel that I will always have a job in sports PR because there is always a crisis! Just look at the issues that are coming out today– Michael Vick (do I need to say more?), Barry Bonds, the issue Summary Provided by Technorati.comView Original Article at Karen’s Public Relations Blog » 10 Most Recent News Articles About Michael Vick […]