Educational. Engaged. Inspiring. Fabulous.
I would have to say that my friends and I were very excited to hear a one-day conference event just on social media was coming to Knoxville – and of course we had to register and attend! Social Slam was a one day conference event held at the Knoxville Convention Center (a few blocks away from the University of Tennessee) and the day was packed with some fabulous speakers and panels! The event was sponsored by Pyxl, one of the leading marketing / PR agencies specializing in social media. Not only are they great in putting together this great event, but they have been very supportive and active with the Social Media Club – Knoxville with setting up some great professional and networking events in the area.
I was very impressed with the turnout and attendance – it was sold out and it was fabulous to see current and former students at the event from Tennessee. I had a few that commented and said to me, “Ms Freberg – we of course knew you would be here since it is all about social media!” Well, I guess I have gotten a rep at UT for being one with social media!
If I had to highlight three presentations I saw today, I would have to say that the three at Social Slam that really impressed me were from Trey Pennington; panel with Jay Baer, Mark Schaefer, and Glen Gilmore, and Christina Kerley (“CK”). I thought that Trey did an excellent job in setting the pace for the conference and provided a very compelling and interesting presentation integrating thoughtful stories while connecting key themes and points to remember about social media. I had a chance to hear Trey speak at the first meeting of the Social Media Club in Knoxville back in 2009, and I thought that he was an excellent presenter and shared some great stories.
The panel with Jay, Mark, and Glen showcased future trends in the industry that PR, Marketing, and Advertising professionals need to be aware of. From augmented reality to how Facebook is following the same paths as AOL did 20 years ago, and many more. This panel was energetic, dynamic, and showcasing their positive influence and expertise with the community. Also, I was very impressed with the level of engagement and interaction I had with these individuals both at the conference, but also on Twitter – thanks Jay!

Also, one of the things that I saw in the packet for Social Slam was an announcement for a social media class taught by Mark – I would be interested in learning more about this since Tennessee just started a social media class this Spring (taught by Dr. Courtney Childers and I am the TA for the course). Last but not least, I was very impressed with CK’s presentation on mobile technology. I had a chance to work on a grant project specifically looking at mobile technologies within crisis communications, and I thought that CK provided some absolutely fabulous statistics and figures about mobile technology.
Overall, I thought that Social Slam was not only a success, but it was one fabulous conference that was a highlight and pleasure to attend! Loved the conference bags and the fact that there were so many items and materials with QR Codes.
Pyxl and the Social Media Club of Knoxville did a superb job in sponsoring and organizing this great event! What a great learning experience and bridging both the professional and academic worlds together on this. One thing that might be interesting for next year’s event is to have a student panel presentation on social media – maybe have a contest where students can apply and submit presentations and showcase their work and expertise in the area? Maybe something like a virtual poster session as well? Might be interesting to include this for the Social Slam event in 2012!
Thank you to Brenda and Nicole (Pxyl and SMC-Knox) as well as all of the speakers, sponsors, and volunteers that helped bring this wonderful and fabulous event to Knoxville.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,