although I believe in one set of manners, facebook now has a way of segmenting your comments to your friends, family and others. Trust me, they will still find out! CLICK on the facebook blog to read all about it!
Here are the stories of the day! :
‘Everybody loved playing dress-up as a kid. We sure did! Merchant monkey Mike K. has fond memories of the Optimus Prime costume his mom made him, Willy of GeekLabs had a sweet Voltron suit, T-Shirt Girl Regan and founder monkey Jen saved the world as Wonder Woman, and merchant monkey Scott has always had strong pirate tendencies, even as a youth. Web monkey Carrie admits she loved dressing up as Shy Violet from Rainbow Brite (that is, when she wasn’t sewing clothes onto her little brother…”
“Facebook is about to announce some major changes. The question is: What is about to change? Many Mashable readers suspect that Facebook is about to announce the integration of Skype and Facebook chat. However, we’ve heard rumors that the world’s largest social network is instead about to unveil a completely new design. We doubt Facebook would invite the entire press corp to its headquarters for anything less than a major overhaul.”
“If you’re seeking a job in social media, we’d like to help out. For starters, Mashable’s Job Lists section gathers together all of our resource lists, how-tos and expert guides to help you get hired. In particular, you might want to see our articles on How to Leverage Social Media for Career Success and How to Find a Job on Twitter.”
“As more and more users are gaining access to the new Twitter, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the area of Twitter customizations. Fortunately, Twitter now offers some fantastic theming tools to make the process less of a chore, and we’ve created some Photoshop (PSD) files mapped to the dimensions of the new Twitter to help give you a head start.”
“The solution? A new feature called “Groups” that allows users to segment their friends, or form specialized networks within Facebook. “Do I really want to annoy all my friends who don’t care about running about how I had an awesome jog this morning?”