According to a Yahoo! News article, Purdue University will be on probation for two years and lose a couple of scholarships. One of Purdue’s former women’s basketball coaches was found to have written a paper for a player among other things. It seems that the NCAA and Purdue both suspended the assistant coach, Katrina Merryweather and basketball player Cherelle George indefinitely. What about the head coach of the team? Kristy Curry is now at Texas Tech– and claims that she had looked into the situation, twice, and didn’t think she did anything wrong. Hmmmmm…. how is this possible?
Curry made the following quote in the Yahoo! News article: “When I learned of the accusation against one of my assistants, twice I looked into it and didn’t uncover any wrongdoing. I was convinced that there was no violation.”
In my opinion, this situation is a “PR Nightmare.” It seems that the player and assistant coach faced the consequences, but what about the head coach? A basketball team is a very small team, and my guess is that Ms. Curry must have known something was going on– and I think that she also needs to be investigated in this situation. Texas Tech also has to be aware of how this is might impact their overall image as well with having their name linked in this situation– is this what they want to be known for? What are they going to tell the boosters, parents, and future recruits about their basketball program and coach?

In order to cover all of the points, the NCAA needs to make sure that everyone that was involved in the Purdue NCAA Academic Probation needs to be investigated, and it all starts at the top. How does Purdue feel now that they see their former coach at another school and program, still coaching– while they are now on probation? Makes you think. Even though Curry is now at a different school, that is no excuse– because who nows– history might repeat itself.
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University Update - Texas Tech - Purdue Women’s Basketball on NCAA Probation · August 24, 2007 at 8:53 am
[…] University of Texas Purdue Women’s Basketball on NCAA Probation » This Summary is from an article posted at Karen’s Public Relations Blog on Friday, August 24, 2007 According to a Yahoo! News article, Purdue University will be on probation for two years and lose a couple of scholarships … of the team? Kristy Curry is now at Texas Tech– and claims that she had looked into the situation, twice … to be investigated in this situation. Texas Tech also has to be aware of how this is might impact Summary Provided by Technorati.comView Original Article at Karen’s Public Relations Blog » 10 Most Recent News Articles About Texas Tech […]