It is amazing how many PR Nightmares there are in the sports industry! It seems wherever you turn, there is a new one! First there was Barry Bonds, then Michael Vick (numerous times), Justin Gatlin, and now the Patriots & the Jets. Well, it seems that the Patriots are accused of filming the coaches while they are giving their hand signals to their players. Wow, it is amazing what people will do to try to win a game!
After reading this article from ESPN, it seems to me that the NFL is going to “consider serious sanctions” against the Patriots. Okay, this is being proactive in a situation where the Patriots are in the wrong, but it got me thinking–why hasn’t the NFL been more proactive before? I mean, it took the NFL a REALLY long time to finally deal with Michael Vick. Vick did so many things that were considered to be PR Nightmares, but the NFL still allowed him to play–until the recent incident with dog fighting.
So, I guess my point is that the NFL should be strict across the board. Who knows, maybe the Vick case taught them that they have to be stricter than they have been previously. But I think that if a player, coach, or team breaks the rule, cheats, or does something that they are not supposed to do–then they should face the same consequences.
Anyway, I hope that all is going well & that all of you are having a great day!
Best wishes,
1 Comment
Laura’s Psychology Blog » Who is Bill Belichick? · September 14, 2007 at 11:23 am
[…] One of my readers, noting that I am both a psychologist and a football fan, asked me what I thought of Bill Belichick. This is really more the turf of my PR daughter Karen, and I’ll see if she has more thoughts to add. I am neither a social nor clinical psychologist, nor do I know Coach Belichick personally, so my comments should be taken in those contexts. […]