Before I begin my post, I would like to say that there are some things that I am really not a fan of, and one of these things is soccer. I have missed several things when I was out of the United States and in Los Angeles– including my family, Jenny Craig, and the summer weather! One thing that I did not miss (and glad of it!) was David Beckham’s arrival in the US to play for the LA Galaxy. When I got home, I picked up my Sports Illustrated Magazine and was shocked to see Beckham on the cover— has the world come to this?!!
Based on what has appeared in the media and the pressure coming from the soccer community– I am really tired of it. You can really tell that the PR people for both Beckham and the LA Galaxy are REALLY trying to get attention to their sport. But when you have sports and teams like the USC Trojans, Lakers, LA Dodgers, and LA Avengers in LA– why would you want to go and see a team that loses and can only get a fraction of the total attendance that USC gets every game? Makes you think!
I got my latest Sports Illustrated Magazine today, and I got a big laugh when reading one of the letters to the editor (Steve Shaevel). He said in his letter, “Soccer in the United States was boring before David Beckham, and it will be boring with David Beckham.” Thanks Steve, I couldn’t agree more with you!
So, I think that I will stick to supporting and going to the real sporting events such as football, basketball, track, and rugby matches!
Have a great day!
Best Wishes,