I feel like in many ways I have been a late adapter to Facebook, but I have been on for about two months now and I have really enjoyed it! I have been able to connect with friends from high school and various colleges and see what everyone has been doing. It’s been a lot of fun for my family as well. Facebook is part of our everyday culture as a popular social networking web site. Now, it is going to be featured in a movie of its own. Aaron Sorkin, who developed the West Wing TV series, is researching on Facebook to do a movie about the founders of the social networking web site.
I think that this is really interesting for many reasons. First, this is another statement that shows the popularity that this one web site has had on not only Americans, but the rest of the global community. And second, this movie is going to give the background picture of the people behind this cultural phenomenon and how it has really transformed how people connect with each other online. Should be a fascinating movie!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,