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Here is the current list of research publications in social media, crisis communications, and public relations.
The complete list of talks, workshops, and additional research publications and presentations are available to view on my CV.

- Freberg, K., & Kim, C. (2017). Social media educators: Exploring faculty competencies and practices in higher education. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 1-13.
- Mae Kim, C., & Freberg, K. (2017). The state of social media curriculum: A proposed framework for social media pedagogy. Journal of Public Relations Education, 2(2), 68-82
- Bowman, N.D., & Freberg, K. (2016). Advancing the study of social media in the communication classroom. Communication Teacher, 30(4),
- Merle, P., & Freberg, K. (2016, June). All about that tweet: Student perceptions of professors’ social media use in the classroom. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(2), 1-25.
- Huang Horowitz, N., & Freberg, K. (2016). Managing and evaluating organizational identity and reputation messages online: An exploratory value model. Corporate Communication: An international journal, 21(2), 195-212.
- Kinsky, E., Freberg, K., Mae Kim, C., Kushin, M.J., & Ward, W. (2016, February). Social media education with Hootsuite University: A qualitative study. Journal of Public Relations Education. 1-21.
- Haught, M.T., Willis, E., Furrow, A., Morris, D.L., & Freberg, K. (2016). From tweets to seats: How social networking site use affects commuter university students’ football fandom? Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 9, 17-38.
- Freberg, K. (2015, December). Social media as an evolving crisis messaging channel for reputation management. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers. 40(4), 463-465.
- Freberg, K., & Freberg, L. (2015, June). Introducing the Situational Q-sort to crisis practice and research: Exploring best practices and implications. Journal of Media Critiques. 1(2), 1-21.
- Gallicano, , Ekachai, G., & Freberg, K. (2014, December). The infographics assignment: A qualitative study of students’ and professionals’ perspectives. Public Relations Journal.
- PRSA 2015 Best Research Paper Award for PR Journal
- Becker, , & Freberg, K. (2014, March). Understanding the presence of shared experiences through strategic storytelling: An exploratory study among medical student blogs. Medical Teacher, 36(5), 415-421. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2014.891007
- Remund, , & Freberg, K. (2013, Summer). Scholar as social curator and social connector: The escalating need for public relations professors who successfully link theory and practice in a fast-changing digital world. Teaching Public Relations, 1-5.
- Freberg, K., Graham, , McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. (2010, November). The rich get richer: Online and offline social connectivity predicts subjective loneliness. Media Psychology Review.
- Page, , Freberg, K., Saling, K. (2013, May). Emerging media crisis value model: A comparison of relevant, timely message strategies for emergency events. Journal of Strategy Security. 20-31.
- Freberg, K., Remund, , Keltner-Previs, K. (2013, May). Integrating evidence based practices into public relations education. Public Relations Review, 39(3), 235-237. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.03.005
- Freberg, , Saling, K., Vidoloff, K., & Eosco, G. (2013, May). What makes a “good” social media crisis message?: Challenging traditional methodology through qualitative and quantitative value modeling. Public Relations Review, 39(3), 185- 192. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.02.010
- Freberg, , Palenchar, M. J., & Veil, S. R. (2013, May). Social media bookmarking services: Managing and sharing information from a centralized source. Public Relations Review, 39(3), 178-184. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.02.007