Sometimes, you just want to break out the ‘squid launcher!’

Here is what I am reading today:

“Need a little inspiration? Try heading to the nearest coffee shop.

Environments with some noise can stimulate ideas and heighten your ability to perform creative tasks more than a completely quiet space, according to a recent research study.

A “moderate level of ambient noise,” the study says, is in the range of 70 decibels, which The Atlantic reports is about what you’ll find at your local coffee shop–you know the one: multiple people typing on computers, latte milk steaming, and a low lull of indie-pop music.”

“Calculating Social Media ROI (Return on Investment) is a little tricky. So many folks don’t bother trying to link analytics like ROI to evaluate your social media marketing efforts. Others default to simple metrics, such as Likes and Followers. But without some notion of your Social Media ROI, firms are uncomfortable investing or increasing their investment in social media.”

“Generation We, Millennials, the Net Generation, whatever you want to call them, are your biggest potential ROI asset. They are tech savvy, they grew up on it, they rely on it to perform their jobs better, they are armed with their smart phone and tablets and are researching you products and services before they buy.”

“Here it is. The 100+ Best Slides From Cannes Lions 2012. Now if you’ve been to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, you’ll know the vast array of amazing content on offer, but perhaps the only challenge you’ll have all week, is choosing what sessions to attend.

So, as he always does, my good friend Jesse Desjardins (@JesseDee) has curated the 100+ Best Slides from the entire Cannes Lions Festival, meaning if you missed a session, couldn’t remember that kick-ass slide or spent your whole Cannes Lions trip partying on the beach, you can utilise some of this to convince your boss you might have actually went to the sessions!”



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