I had been playing around with the idea to start writing posts to share on LinkedIn for a couple of months, and I decided today to write my first one dedicated to LinkedIn. What did I write about? I talked about how professors can use social media to become influencers in their own field.

What sparked this decision? I have to thank Kevin Anselmo for bringing this forth. Kevin and I connected on Twitter and LinkedIn and we started having this discussion on professors using the LinkedIn Publishing Content Platform to engage and create content for others.

Simply, it’s basically like blogging, but it is housed on LinkedIn. It’s very user friendly and easy to navigate and share with others. Here is a great video on how to blog using the LinkedIn Publishing Platform by Neal Schaeffer:


I thought Kevin was off to something really important here for not only professors, but also for students as well. LinkedIn does offer a lot here for creating content that is connected to your personal brand as well as giving you a platform to share your ideas with.

Plus, there are a lot of resources out there for professors and students to look at when it comes to writing content and publishing it directly onto LinkedIn, like this article. Hootsuite also has a good post on what are some good practices to note when it comes to LinkedIn as well as LinkedIn’s own marketing solutions page.

Overall, I think LinkedIn is a great place to not only network with fellow business and professional colleagues, but also a great place to share your content as well. However, I think it is still very important to keep your online reputation and brand hub on your personal website and blog – but it is always good to have another platform to serve as an extension to your professional community. So, you want to make sure you do share your post on LinkedIn to your other communities (ex. FB, Twitter, and Google).

Thanks again Kevin for the motivation to start creating content on LinkedIn! I’m looking forward to this new platform as a content creation tool as well as hearing what other professors are doing with it as well.

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,