In preparing our students for the latest in terms of marketing themselves to prospective employers or even gaining the attention of graduate programs, we as educators and academic professionals need to give the skills and tools to our students that will separate themselves from the rest of the crowd.  One of the leading professionals in public relations that has done this for their students is Auburn professor and social media expert Robert French.

Professor French has done a lot of strategic and innovative work with his students in preparing them for the real world by having them create online portfolios that are integrated and professionally presented. He has also created numerous resources for students in public relations that are available online, like PR Prospects and creating the social networking site PR OpenMic, a great resource for public relations students and practitioners to interact and communicate with each other.

What I mean by integrated is that they have all aspects of social media included in the portfolio – ranging from social networking sites, video, podcasts, and blogs to name a few.  Another reason why Professor French is an innovator in incorporating social media into public relations education is by suggesting that the incoming students in the Spring semester will be creating a mobile version of their online portfolio as well.  Mobile marketing is definitely getting a lot of buzz right now, and this is where public relations professionals need to be at.  This is very cutting edge! 🙂

We need to have more professors like Professor French that are preparing students in public relations with the skills and knowledge about PR and social media that they will need to be successful in their first job.  Keep up the great work, Professor French!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,



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