What I have noticed among my students is that they are not only thinking about what is going to happen this semester in terms of their classes, work schedule, sporting activities, etc.  They are also thinking about the future – and where the job market is presently.  We are definitely living in a time of change, limited resources, and many individuals trying to get a position in their respective fields.  How can young professionals just starting out in the field right after graduation get a job?

tools for building your reputation

there are many tools for building your reputation

It is a struggle for everyone involved, but the opportunity does lie with social media.  For the individuals who understand, engage, and spend the time and resources in educating themselves with new technology – will be successful in getting a job.  Mashable has had several posts on this and provided some good ways to look at job opportunities using social media (LinkedIn and Mobile Apps) as well as providing an insight into what corporations are looking for in terms of social media young professionals and interns.  In addition to understanding what corporations are looking for in a new hire, it is also best to understand how you can separate yourself from the rest of the crowd and understand what they need, and what you can offer based on your skills and strengths in evaluating their social media team and plans.

It is also important to understand how not only to use the social media tools to be proactive in managing your opportunities to finding a job, but it is also important to look at how other professionals are using social media in your profession.  For example, in public relations, it appears that everyone is active on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  However – how many individuals have these profiles as well as a personal website and blog?  I believe that if you want to establish yourself as being involved and engaged with social media, you have to live and breath it in both your personal and professional life.

These are just a few of my thoughts on the subject.  In summary, what is important is to look at the opportunities of social media has in looking for job positions and establishing a online reputation for yourself as being cutting edge, innovative, hard working, and strategic in your work.  Dedication, commitment, and hard work are the key points to success in getting a job presently.

Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

Best Wishes,
