PLANET EATER cinnamon rolls! CLICK on picture to view recipe!

Here is what I am reading today:

“Just as important as monitoring what other people say about your business is being mindful of what content your company puts online. To build a good online reputation, you need to have well thought-out blog posts and a smart social media strategy. Set high standards for internal communication as well, since you never know when a jokey all-staff email could end up posted online for everyone to see.”

“Lacta Chocolate have produced some innovative campaigns over the last 12 months, and next up is this interesting Augmented Reality piece that allows you to send love messages that are activated via image recognition over any Lacta Chocolate wrapper. (created by OgilvyOne Athens)”

“Pinterest is a place to organize and share online images that you find interesting or inspiring. Once uploaded or shared on Pinterest, these images become known as Pins, which the user can place on customized, themed Boards. You can create Boards for any topic imaginable, from cats to classic cars to cats driving classic cars. The possibilities are endless. “

“If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past couple months, you’ve probably at least heard of Pinterest, a social bulletin board where people can easily post visuals they’d like to save and share. Pinterest has built up an impressive following in the stylish scrap-booker set in a short period of time. Marketers and publishers are starting to take notice. “

“According to this infographic, the top three ways businesses in the U.S. are harnessing new media is through Facebook (71 percent), Twitter (59 percent), and blogs (50 percent). “

‘A study has explored the dynamics behind social network sites in recruiting and spreading calls for action that contribute to mass mobilisations in riots, revolutions and protests.”